The key to selecting the best persimmon is to recognize when it is ripe. There are two basic types of persimmons available commercially: hachiya, which are the more common variety, and fuyu, which are less common, but gaining in popularity. Ripe hachiya persimmons are soft and juicy, while a ripe fuyu persimmon is crisp. To select the best persimmon tree to grow, it is important to take growing climate and individual tastes into account.
A ripe persimmon is shiny, plump, and orange with undertones that are deep red. Hachiya persimmons may even have black streaks on the fruit. This does not indicate that the fruit is rotten, but is a sign that it is ready to eat. Avoid persimmons that have cracked skin, bruises, or are missing the green leaves at the top of the fruit.
Persimmons that are going to be consumed immediately should be ripe when purchased. The fruit continues to ripen after picking. If the persimmons are not ready to eat, the ripening process can be accelerated by placing an apple or banana together with the persimmons in a paper bag and keeping them at room temperature. Once ripe, store persimmons in the refrigerator. Eat persimmons when ripe, as over-ripe persimmons quickly develop a soft, unappealing texture.
These fruits make a healthy addition to the diet. They are high in fiber, rich in vitamin A, and are also a good source of vitamin C and iron. To eat the persimmon, simply slice off the top and scoop out the inner core, which is inedible. A spoon works well for eating the inner flesh of the persimmon, using the outer skin as a container.
There are two basic types of persimmons, astringent and non-astringent. The astringent varieties are extremely tart if eaten while they are still firm. After they soften, they become extremely juicy and flavorful. Non-astringent varieties can be eaten while still crisp. They have a more mellow, less intense flavor than astringent varieties.
Persimmons make a nice choice for ornamental fruit in the yard. They generally grow best in warmer climates, however some varieties are hardy at colder temperatures. Meader persimmons, for example, are extremely winter hardy. This variety is also self-pollinating, meaning there is no need to plant another variety of persimmon close by to get fruit.
The Tanenashi persimmon is an astringent variety that matures mid to late season. It is particularly well suited for drying. This variety also bears fruit at a young age, making it a nice choice for the backyard orchard.
The two most common types of persimmons sold commercially are also available to grow privately. Fuyu persimmons are nonastringent. The fruit ripens during the middle of the growing season, and can remain ripe on the tree for up to two months. The Hachiya is an astringent variety that matures early and bears large fruit.