You can store parsley for about two weeks in the refrigerator using two different methods. One method involves wrapping washed parsley in a towel and then inside a plastic bag. The second method is to place the herb in a glass of water with the leaves tented with a plastic bag. It is essential to store parsley properly; otherwise, the herb can become wilted, slippery, and useless.
In the first method, the parsley should be thoroughly washed to remove all dirt and pesticides. This can be done by placing the parsley in a large bowl of cold water and swishing the herb around gently under the water. The water should be changed at least once and the washing repeated.
After the parsley has been washed, gently shake the excess water off the leaves and lay the parsley out on either a clean hand towel or several layers of paper towels. You should try to arrange the parsley into one layer across the towel. Using a paper towel, gently dab the parsley leaves to remove some of the excess water droplets.
To store parsley, simply roll the towel up with the parsley inside. Next, fold a small amount of each end of the rolled towel inward to secure the bundle. Finally, to hold the moisture, slide the entire wrap into a plastic freezer bag, write the date on the outside of the plastic bag, and then place the bundle in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator. When you are ready to use the parsley, you will simply open the bundle, remove the parsley you need, and then re-wrap the parsley. You can store parsley in the refrigerator using this method for seven to ten days.
The second method to store parsley should begin by cutting off a small section of the parsley stems. Do not wash the parsley, and if any moisture appears on the leaves, the plant should be laid out on a paper towel and dabbed dry. Next, fill a glass with water and place the parley into the water with the leaves standing up.
Before placing the glass with the parsley in the refrigerator, the leaves should be protected by shrouding them with a plastic bag. Replace the water in the glass every one to two days to keep it fresh and to prevent bacterial growth in the water. Parsley stored in this way will typically last one to two weeks. When using this method, you will need to remember to wash the parsley right before using it.