Avocado honey is a type of honey that, contrary to its name, is known for its rich, buttery, molasses-like taste. The dark-colored honey originates from the southern regions of Mexico and is predominately found in Central America, Australia and California. Obtained from the nectar of avocado blossoms, the honey is considered somewhat of a rarity because avocado blossoms are in season about the same time as citrus blossoms, the latter of which is more preferred by honey bees. Although difficult to obtain, consumers of avocado honey can enjoy many benefits from the condiment, including uses for food, health and beauty regimens.
Its unique taste makes this honey useful for adding flavor to a variety of foods, and it can serve as a substitute for sugar or molasses. Traditionally, the honey can be drizzled over fruits, cakes and pies to add to the foods' already sweet flavoring. By combining avocado honey with virgin olive oil and mustard, a unique taste can be added to salads and freshly baked breads. Finally, because of its versatility in taste, this honey can even be used as a glaze for salmon, beef, pork, chicken and grilled vegetables.
For individuals who prefer natural remedies for common health issues, avocado honey can deliver multiple health benefits. The honey has high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so it can be dabbed onto cuts and burns to speed up the healing process, offering much of the same relief that aloe vera plants provide. If an individual lives in the same locale as avocado blossoms, then the honey can also provide relief from seasonal pollen allergies. Ingesting the honey allows one to build up immunity to pollen found both from avocado blossoms and other flowers located within the same area.
A more creative use of avocado honey is as a homemade facial mask. Honey has been used for hair and skin treatments since about 40 B.C., when Cleopatra famously popularized milk and honey baths to moisturize the skin. Since then, honey has become a popular ingredient in mass produced cosmetics, including skin moisturizers, facial masks, shower gels, shampoos and hair conditioners. Similarly, avocado fruits are known to provide moisturizing benefits, clear out pores and reduce acne. By combining a fresh avocado with avocado honey, individuals can create a unique facial mask to provide maximum relief from dry weather, especially during harsh winters.